it's better to be a Woman

it's better to be a Woman
1. We got off the Titanic first.
2. We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there.
4. Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous.
5. Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on the life insurance.
6.We don't dance like a frog in a blender
7. We can hug our friends without being gay
8.We can dress ourselves.
9.We have enough sense to realize that the easiest way to get out of being lost is to ask for directions

1. We got off the Titanic first.
2. We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there.
4. Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous.
5. Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on the life insurance.
6.We don't dance like a frog in a blender
7. We can hug our friends without being gay
8.We can dress ourselves.
9.We have enough sense to realize that the easiest way to get out of being lost is to ask for directions


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